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History Films A To Z Title

FILM: Castles FILM: Industrial Revolution 2: The Causes FILM: Industrial Revolution 1: In One Man's Life
FILM: Castles FILM: Industrial Revolution 2: The Causes FILM: Industrial Revolution 1: In One Man's Life
24 mins, 2002 What were the Norman castles for?

24 mins, 2004 What caused the industrial revolution?

34 mins, 2004 Life during the industrial revolution.

FILM: Industrial Revolution 3: The Effects FILM: Medieval Life 1: Two Families FILM: Medieval Life 2: The Black Death
FILM: Industrial Revolution 3: The Effects FILM: Medieval Life 1: Two Families FILM: Medieval Life 2: The Black Death
25 mins, 2004 How did the revolution change the world?

30 mins, 2002 How rich and poor lived in medieval times.

32 mins, 2002 The story of Britain's worst ever disaster.

FILM: Medieval Life 3: Religion, Medicine and Women FILM: The Murder Of Thomas Becket FILM: The Norman Conquest 1:The Road To 1066
FILM: Medieval Life 3: Religion, Medicine and Women FILM: The Murder Of Thomas Becket FILM: The Norman Conquest 1:The Road To 1066
30 mins, 2002 Key aspects of medieval life.

32 mins, 2002 Reconstruction of the famous killing.

26 mins, 1999 What was Britain like in 1066?

FILM: The Norman Conquest 2:The Battle Of Hastings FILM: The Norman Conquest 3: After The Battle FILM: Roots Of Conflict
FILM: The Norman Conquest 2:The Battle Of Hastings FILM: The Norman Conquest 3: After The Battle FILM: Roots Of Conflict
25 mins, 1999 Gripping reconstruction of the battle.

23 mins, 2002 How the Normans changed Britain.

32 mins, 2002 Background to Henry and Becket's conflict.

FILM: The English Reformation: Henry VIII & The Break With Rome FILM: Bloody Mary: Villain Or Victim?
FILM: The English Reformation: Henry VIII & The Break With Rome FILM: Bloody Mary: Villain Or Victim?
27 mins, 2015 Compelling account of why Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church.

63 mins, 2016 Did 'Bloody Mary' deserve the name? A Tudor tragedy (free support notes).