New, easy-to-use, dedicated platform to play our films
Choose from the 6 packages below (you can upgrade at any time by just paying the difference) and we will send you a link and a password for one year's unlimited access within the school and for home use. TO ORDER: "Add to basket" below or telephone +44 (0) 208 464 7402 (or email
TV Choice is the UK's leading independent educational film maker: we have built up a wealth of high-quality resources: all created for the UK market. Our complete library consists of over 280 films and clips (and growing) for Business & Economics, Geography, Leisure & Tourism, D&T, ICT, History, PSHE & Citizenship and English & Media Studies. Includes Clips Library. |
Over 280+ Films & Clips
£195 +vat per year
Package 2: Business & Economics |
Business & Economics is our major subject: over 230 films and clips (and growing) covering Enterprise, Marketing, Accounting & Finance, People In Organisations, Production, Business Systems, Economics & External Factors, Globalisation & Ethics. Includes Clips Library. |
Over 230 Films & Clips
+vat per year

Package 3: Geography, Leisure & Tourism |
Over 100 films and clips covering Development & Globalisation, Impact Of Tourism, Hospitality & Travel, Ecosystems, Energy, Migration & Urbanisation, Food, Climate Change, Weather & Water. Also includes selected clips. |
Over 100 Films & Clips
+vat per year

Package 4: Design, Technology & ICT |
Over 60 films and clips about Design, Technology and systems in business, including case studies of applications in business and factories. Covering admin systems, accounts, robotics and CAD-CAM. Includes the world-wide best seller series "Inside A Factory". |
Over 60 Films & Clips
+vat per year

Package 5: PSHE & Citizenship |
Over 80 films and clips that cover the areas of Careers & Work, Health & Well-Being and Global Issues. Subjects include rights and work, interview techniques, fair trade and ethics: also case studies for discussion on themes of environment and globalisation. |
Over 80 Films & Clips
+vat per year

Package 6: History |
This is a package of 14 films covering The Norman Conquest (4 films), Medieval Life (3 films including The Black Death), Henry II and Becket (2 films: Roots of Conflict, The Death Of Thomas Becket), The Industrial Revolution (3 films), Henry VIII And The Break With Rome and Inside China: The Rise Of A Superpower. |
14 Films & Clips
+vat per year

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