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CLIP 10 Financing A Start-Up: Climate Cars CLIP 16 Cash Flow Gamble CLIP 17 Cash Flow: Why Cash Is King

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CLIP 10 Financing A Start-Up: Climate Cars CLIP 16 Cash Flow Gamble CLIP 17 Cash Flow: Why Cash Is King
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5 mins 45 secs Nicko Williamson funded green taxi Climatecars with money from family, friends and "business angels". But has he given away too much of the ownership?

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5 mins 19 secs Salad bar chain Tossed is chasing growth - but will it run out of cash? Risk-taking boss Vincent McKevitt has a critical meeting with his business advisor.

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4 mins 51 secs How to do a cash flow forecast - and the critical importance of predicting the maximum cash deficit. Get it wrong and the business may go bust!

CLIP 18 Working Capital CLIP 19 The Difference Between Cash & Profit CLIP 20 Costs: An Introduction

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CLIP 18 Working Capital CLIP 19 The Difference Between Cash & Profit CLIP 20 Costs: An Introduction
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7 mins 55 secs Working capital is the oil of a company's engine - without it the business goes under. But what is working capital is and how is it different from cash in the bank?

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9 mins 36 secs Spare cash and profit may seem like the same thing, but they're very different. Case studies include the Tin Drum café bar and the Press Red interactive TV service.

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10 mins 06 secs Costs come in two basic types - direct and indirect - and all companies need to control them. This clip explains the approach of manufacturer Blakeway Ltd.

CLIP 21 Costs & Working Capital At ACME Whistles CLIP 22 Profit: What Is It? CLIP 23 Profits: How Do We Use Them?

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CLIP 21 Costs & Working Capital At ACME Whistles CLIP 22 Profit: What Is It? CLIP 23 Profits: How Do We Use Them?
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7 mins 05 secs Covering its costs, fixed and variable, has long been a priority at Acme Whistles, Birmingham. But working capital and depreciation are key issues, too.

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7 mins 24 secs Most businesses pursue profits - but what is profit and how do you calculate it? Why is cost of sales so important and what is meant by "matching"?

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5 mins 33 secs How does a business decide how to use its profit? Compares small business Logical Friends with the larger Blakeway Ltd. Also: an explanation of "profit quality".

CLIP 24 What Is Investment Appraisal? CLIP 25 Investment Decisions At ACME Whistles CLIP 26 Contribution And Decision Making

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CLIP 24 What Is Investment Appraisal? CLIP 25 Investment Decisions At ACME Whistles CLIP 26 Contribution And Decision Making
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8 mins 32 secs Buying new machinery or taking over another company - investment decisions are crucial. This clip explains key investment appraisal techniques.

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5 mins 52 secs Acme Whistles prides itself on a cautious approach to spending and borrowing. How does it decide whether investing in new machinery is worth it?

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5 mins 03 secs How does a business work out what contribution its products or outlets are making to its profits? In the real world these calculations are never easy.

CLIP 27 Cash And Contribution: ACME Whistles CLIP 28 Financial Objectives CLIP 29 Financial Objectives In Conflict

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CLIP 27 Cash And Contribution: ACME Whistles CLIP 28 Financial Objectives CLIP 29 Financial Objectives In Conflict
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6 mins 07 secs How does calculating contribution help decision-making in a business? The clip presents two examples - the viewer is invited to consider the pros and cons.

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7 mins 54 secs To achieve their long-term aims, businesses set short-term objectives. What are the objectives of manufacturing boss Stephen Maynard?

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8 mins 09 secs Often there is conflict over objectives inside a business. Two examples of tensions and struggles inside manufacturer Blakeway Ltd and small business Logical Friends.

CLIP 30 Financial Objectives At ACME Whistles CLIP 31 Financial Strategy CLIP 32 Depreciation

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CLIP 30 Financial Objectives At ACME Whistles CLIP 31 Financial Strategy CLIP 32 Depreciation
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5 mins 49 secs Simon Topman, boss of Acme Whistles, has a rigorous approach to finance. He explains his financial objectives - and why they're so important.

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9 mins 52 secs How financial strategy delivers financial objectives. Compares the strategies of a fast-growing salad bar chain with manufacturer Blakeway Ltd.

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3 mins 23 secs A piece of machinery is a fixed asset but it loses value over time - depreciation. This simple guide explains the two main ways depreciation is calculated.

CLIP 33 Introducing Accounts CLIP 34 What Is Accounting? CLIP 35 Forecasting In Business

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CLIP 33 Introducing Accounts CLIP 34 What Is Accounting? CLIP 35 Forecasting In Business
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5 mins 08 secs What do a company's accounts tell you? Why are they important? A guide to the profit and loss account (income statement) and balance sheet.

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8 mins 29 secs A guide to what accountants do. The clip also explains key accounting concepts such as going concern, prudence and consistency.

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7 mins 23 secs An introduction to the tricky business of forecasting -- predicting future trends. Examples range from informal forecasting to time series analysis.

CLIP 36 Breakeven Analysis CLIP 37 Sources Of Finance: Introduction CLIP 38 Sources Of Finance: Divine Chocolate

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CLIP 36 Breakeven Analysis CLIP 37 Sources Of Finance: Introduction CLIP 38 Sources Of Finance: Divine Chocolate
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9 mins 47 secs Working out when a product will break even is critical management information. But breakeven analysis isn't easy - and it has its limitations.

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8 mins 53 secs How does a business choose between different sources of finance? Is it always better to get money from inside the company rather than from outside?

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5 mins 23 secs Unusually, Divine Chocolate funded itself by selling shares to the cocoa farmers who supply it. But the company's also strong on internal financial discipline.

CLIP 39 Sources Of Finance At Brompton Bikes CLIP 40 Introduction To Budgeting CLIP 41 The Budgeting Meeting

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CLIP 39 Sources Of Finance At Brompton Bikes CLIP 40 Introduction To Budgeting CLIP 41 The Budgeting Meeting
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5 mins 04 secs Brompton Bicycle look for sources of finance that will not divert them from their long-term aims. Also: setting prices and external factors.

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5 mins 46 secs What are budgets? How do they work? What's meant by "variance analysis"? Practical examples illustrate how budgeting works in business.

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5 mins 42 secs Company accountant Bee Payne asks her colleagues to account for their spending against their budgets. Should they make spending cuts to get back on target?

CLIP 42 The Importance Of Budgeting: First Luggage CLIP 43 Budgeting & Cash Flow Forecasting: SRA

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CLIP 42 The Importance Of Budgeting: First Luggage CLIP 43 Budgeting & Cash Flow Forecasting: SRA
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5 mins 30 secs The boss of innovative company First Luggage claims budgeting is central to their success. They monitor reality and "tweak" the business accordingly.

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6 mins 56 secs How charity SRA uses a combination of budgeting and cash-flow forecasting to control its finances. Being realistic is vital in planning its budgets.

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