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FILM: The English Reformation: Henry VIII & The Break With Rome
FILM: The English Reformation: Henry VIII & The Break With Rome

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27 mins, 2015       

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  • The English Reformation
  • Henry VIII
  • Foundation Of The Church Of England
The Church Of England as we know it today has its roots in Henry VIII's conflict with the Roman Catholic Church in Rome - resulting ultimately in a complete break. This film explains the reasons and the repercussions with the use of vivid reconstructions.

"HE NEEDED A BOY" Henry believed a male son and heir was vital for the future of his realm and the Tudor dynasty. 18 years of marriage to Catherine of Aragon had produced only one surviving legitimate child, Mary. It was in desperation, as well as love, that Henry cast Catherine aside in favour of Anne Boleyn.

CRISIS: THE POPE SAYS "NO!" For political as well as religious reasons, the Pope would not grant Henry his divorce. Enraged, with the help of his advisors, Henry went about setting up a church that would, in a move that caused great consternation among ordinary people. Henry was bitterly opposed to the Protestants: ironically, his new church became, after his death, the vehicle for their ascendancy.
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